Mayor Suthers, Ladies and Gentlemen of the City Council,
Following our foolish Governor into another shutdown would be catastrophic to our city. Recent TV and Newspaper reports quoted CDC and WHO official statements that lockdowns and shutdowns are worse than the disease in the form of depression, suicides, drug overdoses and child abuse. Check the El Paso County Hospitals – as of two days ago, no one is in the Hospital for COVID but they are surging with patients suffering from overdoses, abuse, suicide attempts, and more.
We elected each of you to protect our city by standing against foolishness like another shutdown. In Colorado, there were 650,000 small businesses pre COVID. Right now, more than 30% have closed their doors permanently. This is a loss of income, jobs, and businesses that is horrific. In Colorado Springs, we will remember this toll on our city when we vote in April for the next City Council. And in two years when Polis attempts reelection (If we can’t get him recalled), and in the Mayor’s race.
We will remember whether or not y’all stood up for the citizens of Colorado Springs by opposing another Shutdown.
My other computer is an Azure data Center…