Every time I walk through the living room, the news is often on. I ignore it and head out to my office to work on real life and real tasks. I despise the adrenaline rush and anger that comes from watching the news and long ago broke myself of that addiction. You see, it’s like the verses in the Switchfoot song, Sellin’ the News:
The fact is fiction
Suspicion is the new religion
America listens as the story is told
With the eye on the truth as the story unfolds
But the ratings determine which story was sold
We’re selling the news
There are more important things than watching whatever news the network and media are Selling.
History informs me. Not the Hate America version sold in public school to our kids through the Presentism of the work of Howard Zinn. Mr. Zinn’s work is not even good history. It’s just a socialist agenda designed to break down the things that made America great. The reason so many are ignorant of what’s happening is because the present day Collectivists have destroyed the truth in public school. Across the 20th Century, from the first successful Socialist Revolution in 1910 Mexico, across the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Fascist flavor of Collectivism in Germany in the 1930s up to the 2014 Maidan Square massacre in Ukraine, Collectivists have two plays and a singular romantic notion. First, they create or utilize economic catastrophe to second, insert civil unrest. They cling to the collectivist romantic notion of equality and often shape their rhetoric around perceived racism and inequality. Across the 20th century, Collectivists clinged to that romantic notion though all of them started eating their own citizens very early in their sprint to power. It’s fascinating that the nations that surged to collectivism first invaded their own nations before they began invading other nations. The implementation of Concentration camps and Gulags are closely linked to collectivists. Among the first to land in concentration camps are people of faith. But before the collectivists could even go there, they had to silence the body of Christ as they invaded their own nations.
The thing that bothers me intensely as a Retired Army Officer is the position of the hearts and minds of Police, Sheriffs, State Troopers, Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors. All of us swore an oath to defend the constitution. One of the tenets of the Constitution is that people of faith have the right to assemble according to conscience. When over-reaching governors and Federal Agencies restrict that Assembly, they are moving against that constitution guaranteed right. Even more importantly, they are moving against God’s command to not forsake the assembly of the righteous. Governors and others cite the requirement that people of faith have to uphold the law. At present, not one mandate to wear masks, social distance, and stay home are based on legislated law. They all come from men making decrees, using disputed public health requirements to call their mandates law. At some point, they will feel compelled to use force and move against the Church to enforce their unconstitutional mandates. That should intensely bother the hearts and minds of our precious police, sheriffs, soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen.
At present, the Body of Christ in America is being complicit with governors and agencies by remaining shut down… or even opening then shutting back down in fear if a church member is diagnosed by inaccurate tests as COVID positive. We are contributing to the Collectivists’ desires to silence the Church. Our response in the Body of Christ should be revolutionary and courageous, making a stand for people of faith… daring the governors and agencies to move against us with force. Make them openly declare their intent of shutting down the church in America.
Last thought – In the 80s, I commanded a nuclear capable 8 inch howitzer battery. Across the military, we put our very best, most reliable and moral men and women in charge of nuclear weapons. I get it that those weapons are horrific with the intent of killing millions. This was the moral conundrum we faced in confrontation with nations who also had nuclear weapons. Today, if men and women in uniform, who swore an oath to defend the Constitution, obey orders to enforce unconstitutional mandates by shutting down churches, I will be deeply concerned about the integrity of even Nuclear Command and Control in our nation. For those who ask ‘Why?’ my answer is simple. The Constitution anchors to life endowed by our creator. We put that idea in writing. In spite of our sins and imperfections as a nation, that Holy idea informs us. If uniformed force deploys against the Church and its constitutional protections, then they are acting against the idea that life is sacred. In turn, all the way up the chain, the question will be whether or not all life on earth is even safe against the weapons in our arsenal.
Looking out at a beautiful Colorado day and praying HARD for our police, sheriffs, soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen.