Family starts as the theme in Genesis 4: Gen 4:1 Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and…
Across the Scarlet Thread, we have a father in heaven who redeems us. That seems obvious, but to bring that…
We now come to the kids having to face dad after a really foolish decision: Gen 3:8 And they heard…
There are some scholars who suspect that the original Creation was fractured as a result of the curse in Genesis…
Let’s go to the text for the story Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of…
Our skin suit is a rental and no one makes it out alive – Switchfoot One of the most significant…
Pastor Steve Holt posted this, today, and I put it here for my readers. Dr. Kelly Victory on Covid19: The…
We love weddings when our kids, and kids we mentor, get married. The Princess Bride is a cult classic we…
I’m just a little Microsoft Employee (and retired Army Soldier) but see some disturbing things from my COVID infested fighting…
Most of us grumble and growl at what’s happening around us but feel strangely impotent in how to respond. We…